
Prohibited Content

Infi Tool strictly prohibits the generation of any adult content, age-restricted material, sexually-oriented content, pornographic material, or any other content of a lewd and lascivious nature. Our platform is designed to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users.

Content Moderation

We employ various content moderation techniques, including automated filters and human review, to prevent the creation and dissemination of prohibited content. Users found attempting to generate or share such content will face immediate account termination and potential reporting to relevant authorities.

User Responsibility

Users are responsible for adhering to our content guidelines and ensuring that their use of infitools.net aligns with our terms of service. We encourage users to report any violations or suspicious activities to our support team for further investigation.

Reporting Violations

If you encounter any content that violates our policies, please report it immediately through our support page. Our team will promptly review and take appropriate action.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our disclaimer or content policies, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].